Our place in Fairlie.
Learn more about the Fairlie Resource Centre, what we do and our mission to support the local community.

The Fairlie Resource Centre
Our vision is to connect, support and empower the Mackenzie District Community. Read more about the impact we aim to have in our updated 2023/2024 Community Development Plan below.
Ways achieving this included here
Describe here
Describe ways that this is being achieved here

Services We Offer

Community Support Services
Discover our range of essential community support services, including tech support, government forms assistance, technology access, photocopying services. As well as programs such as after school children care and elderly support.

Resources & Facilities
We offer a diverse range of resources & facilities offering our information center, engaging activities like book swaps and puzzles, event services, trips, vehicle hire, meeting rooms, hall hire, pop-up shops, a college uniform shop & more.

Wellness Support
Supporting healthy communities with our comprehensive range of services, including professional counseling, tailored exercise programs, access to our food banks, and meal assistance programs.

Visitor Information Centre
Supporting healthy communities with our comprehensive range of services, including professional counseling, tailored exercise programs, access to our food banks, and meal assistance programs.