Connecting & supporting our locals
Discover our comprehensive range of community support services.
Services for our community
We offer a range of community & support services tailored to help support your needs. We can facilitate appointments through Heartlands Services, provide CV support, be a drop-off /pick-up spot, and more!
If you want to learn more about the services we provide below or have any suggestions for things you think might be missing, get in touch with us here.

Fairlie Community Vehicle Trust - Travelling as a team, organising a social outing, or have an appointment to get to? We have a range of options available: community van hire, community care hire with volunteer drivers, & trailer hire.

Puzzle Corner - Jigsaw puzzles available at the Resource Centre to borrow or swap.

Access to Technology - We offer a range of technological support, including email & phone services, technology access, and printing, scanning & binding services. Need to update your CV with support, come in and see us.

House of Books - Check out the range of books available at our book swap cupboard outside the Resource Centre. Bring a book to swap or a gold coin donation.

Meeting Rooms & Hall Hire - We have rooms available for hosting meetings and working space. St Columba Hall Hireage facilitation is also available.

Organised Trips - We offer a range of trips for our community. We have Men’s Day Trips, Operatunity Day Concerts, and Community Seniors Trips.

Mackenzie College Uniform Shop - We run the Mackenzie College Uniform Shop for new and secondhand options.

Information Centre - We offer an information centre for locals and visitors alike, whether you want to explore something new in the area as a local or get the top things to do as a visitor, our team are here to help.

Heartlands Support - Assistance with accessing government forms, access to government & non-government service websites, access to appointments with government & community services, assistance to direct you to services you need.

Drop-off Spot - We offer a safe drop-off/pick-up spot for swapping & selling your small items. You can drop them off at the Resource Centre to be picked up.

Welcome to Fairlie Packs - If you are new to our community, we offer a pack containing all the information you might need that will help you settle into the area.

Back on the Rack - Good quality secondhand children and babies clothing and books. All proceeds go back into the community.

Senior Support - Weekly morning tea with featured speakers. Movies hosted locally and in Timaru. Home visits and welfare support

Food & Meal Assistance - If you have surplus food items consider dropping them off to our sharing cupboard where you can drop off or take what you need.

Food Bank - If you or someone you know is in need of support, our Food Bank is stocked. The service is available to all in need. Private & Confidential support. Call into the Fairlie Resource Centre *.30am to 10am Mon-Thur or call Gina on 027 930 7484.

Counselling Services - Free addiction counselling services available to all. Phone Geoff Boyd on 027 492 5644 Private & Confidential Service. Other counselling services available on request.